How To Trend And What It Means....
So What's Trending?
Let's just say AppOgram's Trending, are you?
Seriously though, that's our slogan...
And some may say Trending is doing something first while some say it's getting an item and presenting it first yet still some may say it's finding a way to personalize an interest that's found to be suitable to the needs or wants of many though at AppOgram Trends we say "it's all of the above and more" because what it means to trend is to make an activity or hobby or just any available interest that suits ones needs, make it a personification of your insight into a unique style of persistent choice with a value in your decision weather it's clothes, jewelry, techy stuff or even how you buy household supplies grouped in particular items over and over, whenever you do what you do and people see and say "hey that's a great idea" then you're trending and then you can give thanks to your followers for accepting your ideas..
So You Wanna Trend? Just do it good and do it again and you'll trend...
Tell us what trending is to you or if you got a unique one already tell us about it!